nicl's hidey hole

a composite image of Scrooge McDuck (from the Capcom DuckTales game) performing the Minus World glitch in level 1-2 of the original Super Mario Bros

update (2024-03-29) this site is now running off a VPS, instead of AWS S3. you shouldn't notice any changes for now, but this gives me a bit of flexibility in terms of what I'm able to host here. watch this space...

hi, I'm nicl! (they/them) for legal reasons that's not my actual name, but at the same time, what do you want my legal name for. are you a cop?

in my spare time, when I can convince my brain to cooperate, I'm usually up to whatever's currently caught my interest. to name a few recents:

you can also find me in various places on the interwebs:

I'm planning to jam a blog on here at some point, if I can figure out WordPress or similar. keep your eyes out for that. finally set up a blog a few months behind schedule, you can find it here

hey, where did the spinning duck go?!

you want to see the spinning duck? you can see the duck.